Sales: Cardinal Rules of Selling

Recently I was reading an article about sales sins.  Since I like to work in a positive manner as much as possible, here are a few helpful pointers about sales that we must keep in mind when we are in the marketplace:

  1. Listen between the lines – instead of running your mouth, try to figure out what your prospect or client is implying in their conversation with you.
  2. Sell benefits and value proposition from the customer prospective –look at the need of the client. You must ask yourself, what benefits will he experience and what is the value proposition in the eyes of the client…not your eyes.
  3. Be proactive in your sales process – always ask for the order.
  4. Make sure you are talking to a prospect and not a suspect – If you have done your homework, you will know:
    • Who the final decision maker is
    • What products and services to present
    • How you are going to present the recommendations and justifications that fit the prospects needs.
  5. Create client advocates – an advocate is someone who will promote, talk about, recommend you to others. In Carl Sewell’s book, “Customers for Life” he talks about under promising and over delivering is just one way to create those life-long advocates.

“Getting ‘THE EDGE’ over Your Competition!!!”

Peggy P. Edge © 2014

National Speakers Association – Certificate of Completion 2014 Speakers Academy

For the last year I have been attending the Speakers Academy of the National Speakers Association.  This has been a wonderful experience to sit among so many mentors in the public speaking arena and to learn everything that I can to grow my speaking business.  The wealth of knowledge that the North Texas Chapter has is phenomenal.

It’s really exciting when folks willingly give of their time and expertise to coach and train the pups in the industry.

Thank you to our Co-Deans,  Stu Schlackman and Dave Hill for your dedication to making this a wonderful experience for all of us.  Finally a special thank you to my mentor, Julie Alexander, for your coaching throughout the year.

Kudos to all of my fellow grads and best of wishes to all.

Speaker Business 026

Certificate Speakers Academy/National Speakers Association Speaker Business 003

Peggy P. Edge (c) 2014

Salesperson: Likability or Credibility–which do you want?

Likability or Credibility:  As a salesperson, do you want to be liked or do you want to be considered credible?

Many sales gurus say that people only buy from those they like.  I’ll be the first to say, I want others to like me.  However, the litmus test for all of us as salespeople is not likability but is credibility.

Just a few pointers that I expect to convey to my prospects and clients:

    • To be considered credible and believable
    • To be regarded as trustworthy
    • To be viewed as an expert in my industry
    • To be relied upon for the knowledge of my products and services to solve a particular application or problem
    • To be recommended to others
    • To be a partner, not just a vendor

If we fail pass the test in any of these areas the likelihood of our making the sale is usually slim to none.

Only when we are perceived as creditable, believable, and trustworthy will we “have THE EDGE !”

Peggy P. Edge (c) 2014