What is your Edge over your Competition?

If you can’t put a Square Peg in a Round Hole, then what is your EDGE over your competition?

Square Peg

Too many times sales organization try to emulate what their competition is doing. They create products and services that are “me too” and that dilutes your ability to be unique, special, innovative, i.e., different.

I sell products that are highly standardized. As a matter of fact, my clients can purchase many of the brands that I sell elsewhere.

So what makes me different? What is my “Edge” over my competition? It is my red hair, my wild and crazy personality; it is the Brownies that I have made for my clients each year during the holidays.

Brownies! Seriously, that is what one client told me several years ago. I asked, “Kyle, why do you do business with me?” He said, “It’s those wonderful brownies that you bring me every Christmas.”

Usually around July, he and some of my other guys will start in on me by asking, “Isn’t it about time for some of those Brownies?” I answer, “It ain’t Christmas yet!”

In the marketplace, when all things appear to be equal, there are just a few little details that can make you stand out and shine to your clients. So share with me, what is your Edge?

Peggy P. Edge (c) 2013

Networking: Crafting an Effective 30-Second Commercial


Do you know how to craft an effective 30-second commercial?  Most commercials that you hear at networking events really do not give you a clear idea of what that person is all about.

Some of the key elements of a well-crafted 30-second commercial will:

  • Paint a verbal picture.
  • Establishes you as an expert in your field.
  • Profiles you and your company.

The standard 30-second commercial goes something like this:

Hello, I’m Lucy Jane and I’m an Account Rep with Joe Bob’s Freight Company. We are looking for prospective clients who ship anything. We have the best rates in town and provide excellent service.

Blah! Blah! Blah!

Using the 3 elements listed above here is how Lucy might re-phrase her commercial:

When was the last time that you had an order to ship and the freight company damaged it? It was returned by the customer and you lost money?

For the past 25 years, Joe Bob’s Freight Service has been rated in the top 5 out of 25 delivery service organizations in the region by the East Texas Business Journal based upon our excellent dependability, reliability and expedient services.

Today I’m looking for an introduction to Jimmy Joe, Operations Manager at Ralph’s Refrigeration Corporation.

My name is Lucy Jane and I’m the Regional Sales Manager for Joe Bob’s Freight Service.

When you are more detailed with explaining your target market, being more precise on the product and/or service you provide, and describe your value proposition thoroughly, your commercial will be more effective.

Source:  “5 Key Steps to Effective Business Networking” – Peggy P. Edge © 2012.