
Topics Include:

5 Key Steps to Effective Networking

  • Learning objectives include:
    • You’ve Gotta Have a Plan.
    • You’ve Gotta Craft a Good 30-Second Commercial.
    • You’ve Gotta Develop and Train your synergy partners.
    • You’ve Gotta Know the Difference between a Referral and a Lead.
    • You’ve Gotta Follow the Basic Cardinal Rules of Networking.

Application of these key steps to your networking business plan will eliminate the need to cold-call.  Your business will grow accordingly.  It becomes “You’re Edge Over Your Competition!

Program Options:  45 minute- 1-hour presentation or 4-hour hands-on training seminar (seminar includes Manual)


“LinkedIn® Branding:  Establishing a Strong Presence for Your Personal Brand”

LinkedIn (LI) is a valuable platform to showcase your personal and company brand to potential employers, clients, and business partners as well as a powerful marketing tool.  Your brand represents how you present yourself to the world and is essential to building professional networking connections that can help you succeed in the marketplace.

In this presentation, we will cover strategies to build your personal, and company brand, make connections, and seize opportunities!

Our learning objectives include:

►    How to create a digital resume and keep it up-to-date.

►    Craft a buyer-oriented About/Summary that outlines your ideal clients, target management levels, industry niches, products and/or services, and your unique value proposition.

►    Lay out your work and volunteer experiences in detail, including your overall area of expertise, your current/former employer’s market focus, your formal job description, and additional leadership and production responsibilities.

►    Highlight your education, vocational, and technical accolades including degrees, certifications, licenses, and professional designations.

►    Showcase your accomplishments:  publications, projects, extra-curricular courses, languages, honors, awards, and involvement in civic, trade, and educational organizations.

►    Build your professional circle of connections, network, and engage using your area of expertise to establish your professional brand, find the right people to connect with, engage with insights, and build strong relationships.

►    By following these tips and strategies, you can build a powerful personal brand on LinkedIn and gain your edge over your competition!

Program Options:  60-90-minute overview presentation

Training:  Hands-on “Done-with-You:  90-days, 12 hours total, working in 2-hour blocks, 2 times/month, each participant will receive Peggy’s 30-Point LI Profile Assessment Audit Tool (15-page documentation)  call for pricing or Book a 15-minute complimentary coaching call at:  


How to Get Recognized as an Expert in Your Industry

Learning Objectives include:

  • Identification of your expertise.
    • You may have skills or knowledge in an area other than what you do for a living.
  • Writing and Speaking about your specialization.
  • How to use Social Media to develop a personal brand.
  • Tips getting quoted in the news.
  • Developing Advocates – how to get others to sell for you.

Program Options:  45 minute – 1-hour presentation or 4-hour hands-on training (seminar includes Manual)

Fired on Wednesday – In Business for Yourself on Monday …Taking Lemons and Making Lemonade!

This presentation is a “how-to” formula of taking the circumstances of losing your job to start your own business.

Learning Objectives include:

  • Key steps to owning your own business.
  • How to develop a network of synergy partners that you can use to create from scratch a new business.
  • Identify ancillary contacts you need to have in your circle of connections who can help you launch a business.
  • You do not have to have inventory or a warehouse to sell products.
  • How to operate as a General Contractor.  How to manage all of the pieces of your business without giving business to a competitor.

Eighteen years ago Peggy’s lost her job in packaging sales.  This real-life experience has given her the knowledge of how to start over from scratch.  She negotiated with her former employer to help her open her own company.  Key pointers can help you jump-start that idea you have for a business!

Program Options:  45 minute – 1 Hour Presentation or 4- Hour Hands-on Training Seminar (seminar includes Manual)

Living Life On the Edge!!!

Peggy has a powerful, engaging, motivational, and inspiring story to share about life.  She got married at age 16.  At age 17, Peggy became a mother.  She dropped out of high school.  She received her high school diploma through a GED program. She went directly into college and graduated with a degree in Industrial Marketing.  Peggy is an entrepreneur who mentors others on how to start a business without money.

She has overcome many seemingly barriers in her life including being a 2-time, 2 type cancer survivor.

In this keynote, you will learn that:

  • You can always overcome obstacles no matter what your circumstances in life.
  • If they fire you on Wednesday, you can be in business for yourself on Monday.
  • Ask for help.  You will receive what you need.  You must always ask!

Peggy shares her life experiences that include a wealth of useful information to her audiences.  Her ideas and proven methods will encourage you and inspire you to always look forward–never look back!

Believe that whatever you set your hand to do, you can accomplish the desires of your heart.

Program Options:  Keynote


To hire Peggy for your next event, contact her at 214-725-7626 or peggy@peggyedge.com

To Book, a complimentary 15-Minutes Consulting call with Peggy.

Go to:  calendly.com/peggy-edge/15min